Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Amy is a meanie cat.  She called me "exasperatingly wonderful."  At first, I thought that meant extra wonderful but then I realized it really meant irritating... can you believe that, Amy calling me irritating.  She should talk... I mean, after all she is the one who brought Jeffery to our apartment.

Amy Rallison: brown/blonde hair, blue eyes, 5 foot 10 inches, wears clothes, and was last seen with a lawn gnome.  Dangerous and possibly armed with mean, hurtful things to say.  DO NOT APPROACH.  Please refer to picture on left to capture full essence of this criminal.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Things That Make Me Happy :)

I have been very blessed in my life!  So I just want to share a few of my blessings with ya'll! These are things that I'm pretty sure have been put on earth so I can be happy!
-Amy Lynn & Jeffery... and our deep conversations :)
-Kirsten's initials... KP... I feel like I live with Kim Possible
-Carving pumpkins

-Tar in parking lots on a hot day
-Rainy days where I can stay inside & watch movies with my awesome roomies :)
-Cooking turkeys... even if they are all half raw
-Waking up, looking at the clock, and realizing I can go to sleep again!
-Cashews and hot chocolate (maybe not together)
-Cooking delicious food... especially braking bread
-Decorating Christmas trees
-Listening to Christmas music (especially New Song & David Archeleta)
-Hanging out with my totally AWESOME family:)

Friday, October 21, 2011

My New Blog

So I decided to start a blog (mostly because the TSAs require me to know stuff about blogging)!  So I called it "Pumpkins, Turkeys, and Christmas Trees" because those are my 3 FAVORITE things! :)  So here it goes... appearing here will be my personal rants, recipes, and random things I find!  So for those of you who don't care... I understand!  Well...that's about it because I am now leaving for Walmart with my roomies Talicee, Katelyn, Amber, & Kirsten!