So, it's been a while (as is typical). I don't know if much has happened since the last time I blogged. I feel like my life is pretty much same old, same old!
Over Presidency Day, we went to Salt Lake City to explore! It was super fun! :) We went to the Pie and got the most giant pizza EVER (seriously, it was huge)! We also went and explored temple square and we got to go up to the observation deck at the Church Office Buildings!
Addison, Me, David, & Eric |
Katelyn, Amber, & Kirsten |
Biggest Pizza EVER |
Grossness grease... I basically had to blott the grease like a lot! |
Amber, David, Kirsten, Katelyn, Me, Eric, & Addison |
The view from the Church Office Buildings |
I also went to the temple last Wednesday (my roommates and I go every week)! I decided to do some family names (my Aunt Liz sent me 75 names for our ward temple week). It created much confusion though--because I was only baptizing the names, not confirming them (because I didn't really wanna have to double dress). So I was baptized and then went to the desk to pick up the names... and they didn't have them. So I waited until they did have the names! A temple worker brought them to me and I left. As we were halfway out to the car in the parking log, we heard, "SISTERS! SISTERS!" We turned around and saw the temple worker who gave me the names. He ran up to us and was like, "I forgot to record we anything with those names... can you come back?" It was kinda hilarious... I don't think I've ever been chased down by a temple worker before! We went back with him and all was well however!
A couple of days ago, I was at a park with a friend! We saw these giant gun things and decided that it would be fun to climb on them (I thought it was illegal to climb them but apparently not...)! So we climbed and played around on them. When I decided to get down, I missed the railing to jump off and ended up smacking my leg SUPER hard! It sort of hurt (like initially it hurt but then it was okay) so I didn't bother going home and looking at it--I just continued on with my life. When I was getting ready for bed like an hour or so later, I looked down and saw this GIANT bruise. It was
slightly a lot disgusting! Anyways, it basically looks like I'm being abused if you just looked at my leg... I'm covered in little bruises along with Giagantor (that is the giant bruises name... I know, original).
Slightly disgusting huh? |

On Thursday, Vick (Hill) and I decided that it would be fun to climb the fence behind our apartment. Neither of us had done it but we both decided it would be faster. So we did! It wasn't too tall--maybe like 6 feet. However, at the top of the fence, someone had cut the links (it was a chain linked fence) and so it was just like straight, sticking up metal. Vick went over first... and when she got to the top, she was like, "I think my pants might have ripped." I was like... oh I'm sure its fine. As she jumped down, we just heard "RIPPPP..." She was like, "Maybe you should just walk around..." but it was too late--I was already there! So I tossed my bag over and climbed up to the top. When I got to the top, I could tell if I went over, my pants would most defiantly rip. However, I am stubborn so I was just like whatever! As I jumped down, we heard "RIPPPPP...." again! So basically, we just sat on some random person's car in the parking lot until we could stop ourselves from laughing. It was probably one of the most ridiculous, pants-ripping situations I've been in in a while!
Other things... Amy & I gave Fred and Phillip a makeover... here he is:
We added a battle axe, peg leg, and eye patch |
Blurry Close Up |
Other random things... we made an apartment meme for apartment introductions in our ward. Here are a few of the pictures we used for it (if you want to see the whole meme, go to
my roommate's blog):
What Our Non-BYU Friends Think We Do |
What We Actually Do |
What Boys Think We Do |
What Our Professors Think We Do |