So... I haven't updated in forever! Well... let me catch my journal thing up (btw, this is why I failed at journal writing in the past)! Soooo.... yeah, you can give up reading this post if you want! I mostly posted all this for my journal but if have the attention span to listen to my ramblings/are procrastinating, then enjoy! :)
So I realized I never really wrote about my past family stuffies so just a quick recap. I am from Louisiana (no, we don't drive a boat to school and yes, my family gator hunts). I have a brother and sister. They're names are Matt (17) and Lisa (22). And of course, my mommy and daddy! :) Okay, now that that is out of the way, I'll catch up on my life!
Thanksgiving: For Thanksgiving, I went home to see Lisa and meet my new brother-in-law. His name is Matt like my brother Matt... yeah, its weird... we had to call my real brother Mattie Man and brother-in-law Matt (and just to answer everyones question, NO I WILL NOT MARRY A MATT!!!!!!!). Anyways, Matt was pretty nice; kinda quiet and not really who I expected Lisa to marry but its all good! It was good to get to hang out with all my family! We did Lisa & Matt's reception (it was very pink) and family pictures (I wonder if I can submit any of them to I probably can-some of those poses were just awkward!). I also made Lisa's baby quilt/my art project! It took A LOT of work and it's super not beautiful but... hey... its mine (or Lisa's after my art teacher grades it). I also got to go black friday shopping but had to quit early-I stopped at 2am this year because I was sick! :( That was okay though-I didn't really get any good deals; I just went for the funness of it! :)
Finals: They stink! So I should be studying right now-hence why my blog is finally getting caught up! But I only have a few days left of the semester which is SUPER exciting! :) I am SO done with this semester-especially stats! I promised myself I'll never let myself take another stats class! In fact, I just turned in my last stats hw (which I completely guessed on and still made like a 85% on-not too shabby)! BUT... reading days are coming up soon! So that'll be a good break (sort of)!
Bucket List: Completed only one thing on my bucket list. I lit a match... sad that this was on there huh? But, I have never lit one! It's always just scared me/I thought I would set my apartment on fire (which would be bad for everyone) so I just never tried. But one night for FHE we were doing a bond fire so Amy Lynn taught me how to light a match! :) It was exciting... the first one did kinda scare me a little bit but it was worth it!
Public Apology: Dearest Amy Lynn, I am sorry that I was officially the worse roomie ever yesterday. Firstly, I distracted her for like 2 hours causing her to leave late for class and run to campus (I am impressed that she made it in like 10 minutes to a building on campus). THEN... I volunteered her for a talk (I partly blame Weston for this... but mostly my fault)! This is only guilty good for one month though-after that, I don't take responsibility for talk asking. And there was something else but I can't remember what it was! BUT... overall message... sorry I was the worse friend/roomie yesterday! Glad you are like practically perfect and don't anger :) You're the bestest (unless my other roomies are reading this... then you're all the best)!
Today: Today was super fun! I kinda skipped all my classes and went to give assessments at a pre-school for Kathie! So we got there and we took the kids one at a time. We read a book with them and used toys to show the actions; then they mapped it (thus the test)! Anyways... it was super fun!!!! It's times like these that I remember why I am in the major I am in/not dropping out of school! I absolutely LOVE teaching and working with the kids! They are just so wonderful and absolutely adorable! Then Kathie treated Jess, Danny (Jess's fiance), Haley, and me to lunch at Guro's which was super delicious! Another random note from today, I also got super blessed! I had a final I had to take earlier in the evening and I hadn't studied at all! I was just stressed and hadn't gotten any sleep (in the past 48 hours, I've slept 9 hours) so I just decided to go for it. But then... I got this wonderful email from my professor. She was like, "OPEN BOOK!" and I basically jumped for joy looking like a spaz but its all good cause I didn't fail (much)!
Mucho Blessings: So I have been stressed because of my stats class (I'm terrible at stats... no matter how much I study, I just don't get it)! So... I was slightly stressed about losing my scholarship-I had basically accepted that stats would kill my scholarship. BUT THEN... something wonderful happened!!!! I looked at the GPA requirements for this year and they went down by .02 points from last year! Yah! That means that I most likely get to keep my scholarship/can make like a C on my final and still do okay! Thank you Heaven Father for looking after me/listening to me! :)
Random: I saw my first hockey game yesterday (well last night). Amber and I went on a walk at like 8:30 last night and ended up wandering pretty far away from out apartment. SO at about 9:30, we got really cold so we went in Seven Peaks Ice Rink to warm up! And ended up staying to watch the hockey game/cheer for the underdogs! It was pretty fun but it also contributed to my lack of sleep. I also successfully wrote like a million journal entries for English and it was boring! I also got to caroling with the relief society--that was super fun! I LOVE caroling! :)
And... I feel like I'm going to stop writing because I am tired of writing so yeps! AND I'm sure you're tired of reading this (if you made it this far). When I started this blog, I was all optimistic and was like I'll write once a week... hahahahahahaha! Well I'm gonna go to bed (even though its 8) because I need to catch up on sleep... well actually I'm gonna go do hw which is more sad :( but then I'm going to bed so I can like actually function tomorrow!