Stepping on hot tar
Smelling honeysuckle on my way to school
Cuddling by a warm fire with a good book
Spending time with my favorite people
Seing Christmas lights
Decorating a Christmas tree
The smell of snow
Sitting in the dark with only the Christmas lights on
Listening to Christmas music on the radio
Bare feet in the grass
Freshly baked cookies and bread
Watching a movie while listening to rain pound down
Frolicking through snow (actually frolicking in general)
The smell of a freshly picked tulip
Drinking homemade grape juice
Getting on a plane knowing you'll be home soon
Bubble wrap
Couch forts
Playing in the sandbox & on the playground
Having marshmallow gun wars
Getting lost with your best friend
Grave hunting
Completing a project
Knowing you get to work with kids for the rest of your life
Tubing down a river
Waking up and realizing you can still go back to sleep
Eating a candy cane on Christmas morning
Building & watching a campfire
Laughing so hard you're crying/spazing out to the point that people think something's wrong with you
Hugging people so intensely that you both fall down
Having a secret handshake with your bestest friend
Learning something new (that's not stats)
Going through the temple
Eating a homegrown cucumber
Going to football games with your best friends
Living with your best friends
Knowing that stats is almost over
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